Your dentist in Phoenix has been trained to look for the warning signs of a vast array of dental issues, from relatively common cavities to potentially life-threatening oral cancer. But simply performing a visual examination won’t necessarily give them all the information they need to catch dental problems as early as possible. Fortunately, today’s dentists can use X-rays for more thorough, detailed checkups. In this article, you’ll learn how this technology has become an invaluable tool for protecting smiles.
The Purpose of Dental X-Rays
When your dentist takes an X-ray of your mouth, they’re able to see inside your teeth as well as other hidden structures, such as the tips of the roots and the underlying bone that is normally hidden underneath the gums. Most X-rays are used during routine examinations to check for signs of dental disease. However, if your dentist has already found signs of decay, an X-ray can help them determine just how severe the damage is. It also helps them identify certain dental health issues far ahead of time. For example, an impacted wisdom tooth can be found with an X-ray long before it starts to cause pain in your mouth, allowing your dentist to start planning an extraction as soon as possible.
Types of Dental X-Rays
There are different kinds of X-rays that your dentist might employ depending on your situation. If it’s simply part of a routine examination, you’ll most likely have bitewing X-rays done. These focus on the crown portions of your teeth and are used to check for hard-to-see cavities. For a more advanced procedure, a panoramic X-ray of the entire mouth will be taken instead; this way, your dentist can look at the upper and lower jaws as well as the sinuses for potential problems that could threaten your oral health in the long term.
How Often Will You Need an X-Ray?
At one point it was recommended for dentists to take at least one dental X-ray every year. Nowadays, it depends on the state of the patient’s oral health. If you are a basically healthy adult who is not currently suffering from a severe dental problem, then you may only need an X-ray every 2 or 3 years. On the other hand, if you suffer from tooth decay, gum disease, or another oral health problem, it’s typically necessary to X-ray your mouth more often in order to keep track of the issue.
Getting dental X-rays on a regular basis is just as important to your oral health as daily brushing and flossing. If it has been a while since your last checkup, or if you’re worried that a dental problem might be occurring just below the surface of your gums, call your dentist today to set up an appointment so that they can take a thorough look at your grin!
About Bell Road Dental Care
Bell Road Dental Care is your stop for comprehensive smile treatment in the Bell Road area. Dr. Doug Seqright, Dr. Reza Jefari, and Dr. Sierra Ferreira all stay up to date with the latest advancements in dentistry to make sure you have the best patient experience possible. Our practice uses high-quality digital X-rays that produce far less radiation than traditional film X-rays. To schedule your next checkup, visit our website or call (602) 404-3483.