What to Do About a Loose Dental Implant

May 2, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — bellroad @ 11:27 pm
Woman covering her mouth

Dental implants are one of the best tooth replacement options out there too choose from. They have numerous benefits, including being long-lasting, natural-looking, and having an amazingly high success rate of 95% or even higher! However, dental implants failures can still happen from time to time. Continue reading to learn why dental implants can become loose and what you should do if it happens to you.

Why Is Your Dental Implant Loose?

There are numerous reasons why your dental implant could be loosening. Here are some of the most common:

  • Osseointegration Failure: Once the dental implant has been placed in your jawbone, the surrounding bone is expected to grow over the surface of the implant in order to create a physical bond. This process is known as osseointegration. However, some issues can occur and prevent this from happening.
  • Infection: Another common causes of an implant failure is an infection known as periodontitis. This is similar to gum disease that occurs around your teeth and attacks the gum tissue. This can happen right after the surgery or several months or years down the road. Ultimately, this can attach the bone surrounding the implant and cause it to loosen.
  • Overloading: This happens when implants are placed under too much pressure which impacts the osseointegration. This can occur when patients receive their false teeth at the same time that their implants are placed, or when the implants are disturbed during the healing process.
  • Poorly Made Prosthetics: If you have prosthetics, like dentures, bridges, and crowns, that become unstable, they can potentially cause implants to become loose as a result of the shifting and movement in the mouth.

What Should You Do If You Have a Loose Implant?

The first thing that you should do if you notice that your dental implant has become loose is contact your dentist for an emergency appointment. The faster you get in, the greater of a chance your dentist will have to restore your smile to health. They will be able to determine whether it is only the crown that has become loose or if you have an underlying issue that needs to be addressed. This way, it can be fixed as soon as possible. Until you get to the office, be careful not to chew on the side of the mouth or place pressure on it.

By seeing your dentist immediately, you will be able to get to the root of the issue. Your smile will be back to health in no time!

About the Author

Dr. Doug Sewright is an experienced dentist who has been practicing for over 30 years. He earned his dental doctorate from the University of Minnesota Dental School. If you notice that your implant is becoming loose, he would be happy to help. For more information or to schedule an appointment at his office in Phoenix, visit his website or call (602) 404-3483.

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