Does it Hurt to Have Your Teeth Cleaned?

November 26, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — bellroad @ 2:57 am
patient getting dental checkup and cleaning in Phoenix

It’s recommended that patients visit the dentist every six months for dental checkups and cleanings. Even so, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), less than 65% of people visited the dentist at all in 2019. If you’re avoiding making an appointment out of fear that it will hurt, read on to learn about how getting a dental checkup and cleaning in Phoenix works and whether they cause discomfort.


5 Lies that Aren’t Fooling Your Dentist

November 10, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — bellroad @ 6:50 pm
patient at the dentist in Phoenix

When visiting the dentist, many people stretch the truth to make it seem like they have better oral hygiene and health practices than they actually do. Though they may think they’re being convincing, dentists are trained professionals who can tell right away if something doesn’t add up. Read on to learn about five common lies people tell at their appointments and how dentists can tell they aren’t true.
