Can “Bad Teeth” Be Inherited Through Genetics?

September 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — bellroad @ 8:48 pm
A family smiling cheerfully.

Your smile is one of the first things that people will notice about you—so if your pearly whites stubbornly refuse to remain bright and resplendent, you might be wondering if there’s something or someone else to blame. Unfortunately, there are actually a few certain oral health issues that you can inherit from your parents that can prevent your smile from looking its best. Here’s more from your dentist about some of these issues and what you can do to lessen their influence.


4 of the Most Surprising Cavity-Causing Foods

September 3, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — bellroad @ 7:38 pm
Saltine crackers in a bowl.

If you’ve ever heard the phrase “you are what you eat,” you should know that there is a semblance of truth to this adage. While you won’t turn into a slice of pizza if all you eat is pizza, your body’s health can rapidly degrade if you’re continuously eating unhealthy foods! This is especially true concerning your oral health—and unfortunately, there are many cavity-causing foods out there that can compromise your teeth and gums and cause all sorts of problems for your smile. Keep reading to learn more from your dentist about four of these surprisingly harmful foods.
