Watch Out! Activities That Could Harm Your Smile This Summer

May 19, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — bellroad @ 10:53 pm
Smiling woman wearing a beach hat during summer.

Summertime is finally here—get ready for lots of poolside fun and sunny days filled with adventure! But while you’re out enjoying yourself, something to keep in mind is your oral health! There are quite a few summertime activities that are harmful to your smile, and there’s nothing like a trip to your dentist to derail your plans! Here are some of the activities and items you should be mindful of this summer if you want to preserve and protect your beautiful smile.


Should I Rinse My Mouth After Brushing My Teeth?

May 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — bellroad @ 9:23 pm
Young girl rinsing her mouth after brushing her teeth.

When it comes to keeping your mouth sparkling clean and healthy, regular oral hygiene is essential—and this includes brushing your teeth twice a day! But what are you supposed to do after you’ve finished brushing and all that excess toothpaste is still swirling around your mouth; are you supposed to rinse your mouth out with water or just leave it be? Here’s everything you need to know about rinsing your mouth after brushing, and why you might want to re-evaluate your own habit.  


3 Important Steps When Talking with Dentures

April 26, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — bellroad @ 4:03 pm
mature women smiling and talking with dentures in Phoenix

If you’re missing teeth, then one of the most popular restorative dental treatments to get is dentures. They’ll provide the support your jaw needs for a strong and healthy mouth! However, now that you’re wearing them, you may find it challenging to learn to speak with them effectively. Fortunately, you can follow three essential steps to get you accustomed to talking with dentures more easily.


Top 4 Reasons to See Your Dentist Before Summer Vacation

April 7, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — bellroad @ 4:01 pm
family smiling during summer vacation

Summertime fun is just around the corner! Whether you’re planning on visiting the beach or going on a trip abroad—it can be exciting to think of all the things you can do with friends or loved ones. In the meantime, you might want to consider taking a look at your dental health before heading out. Keep reading to learn the top four reasons you should visit your dentist before summer vacation!


What Does My Tongue Say About My Dental Health?

March 24, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — bellroad @ 8:55 pm
man with open mouth at dentist

Your tongue provides a window into your health but is often overlooked as a way to evaluate how you are doing. While your dentist will look at your tongue for any clues pertaining to oral cancer, there are other signs you can be on the lookout for yourself. Generally speaking, any significant changes in color or the development of pain and lumps may indicate a health problem. Read on to learn from your dentist in Phoenix about different conditions your tongue can be in and what it means, as well as how to clean your tongue properly.


What Are Foods That Can Easily Chip Your Teeth?

March 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — bellroad @ 8:48 pm
man eating bagels

Would you like to try that fish sandwich from the gas station? It is probably okay to eat, but of course, there’s some risk involved. It’s also a gamble when you are eating hard foods that can chip teeth. You’ll most likely be fine but being cautious can protect you from a big mistake that can hurt your mouth and your wallet. Before you end up requiring the services of an emergency dentist in Phoenix, keep reading to learn about some foods with the potential to harm your smile.


Can I Put a Knocked-Out Tooth Back in Its Socket by Myself?

February 24, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — bellroad @ 9:59 pm
man with missing tooth

Knocking out your tooth can be scary. Whether it happened because of a sports injury or an accident, it can be difficult to know exactly what you need to do to save your tooth, especially while you’re in a state of shock and panic. Should you just put it back into its socket? Do you need attention from your dentist? If you act calmly and quickly, you can increase the likelihood of keeping your knocked-out tooth in Phoenix alive long enough so your emergency dentist can help.


What Are Things to Avoid Doing After Dental Implant Surgery?

February 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — bellroad @ 9:48 pm
woman smoking a cigarette

They are the premier tooth replacement option for many reasons, but you’ll still need to make good choices after your dental implant surgery in Phoenix to ensure the best outcome for your oral health. You need to be taking all the right precautions to optimize your recovery so your implants can fully heal and strengthen. Read on to learn from your implant dentist about which things you should be avoiding so you can lower your risk of a dental implant failure.


New Year, New You: Resolutions for a Healthy Smile in 2022

December 14, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — bellroad @ 8:32 pm
new year’s resolutions on sheet of paper

The end of the year is approaching quickly, and do you know what that means? 2022 will be here before you know it! If you’re like most people, you’ve probably already started making your list of New Year’s resolutions. Many like to think of ways to increase their health and wealth in the coming months. Well, by choosing to make your resolutions surround your dental care, you can create a win-win situation for both your oral health and financial situation. Read on to learn how you can keep a healthy smile all year long.


What Are Valuable Questions During a Dental Implant Consultation?

December 4, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — bellroad @ 6:26 pm
mature woman writing on a notepad

Researching a topic is a great way to learn about it. Talking to an expert on the matter is even better. How about doing both – especially when it’s about something as important and beneficial as dental implants?

Implants are the best option for tooth replacement, hands down. If you want to learn more, schedule a dental implant consultation in Phoenix. In the meantime, read on to learn some questions for your implant dentist that could yield plenty of valuable information.

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