Bell Road Dental Care Blog

Making a Speedy Recovery After Dental Implant Surgery

December 14, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — bellroad @ 1:54 pm
dentist explaining a procedure to a patient

Dental implants in North Phoenix are the latest and most advanced restorative procedure that rebuilds your mouth from the roots up. Many people are deterred by the long healing time of the implant surgery because they’d like to enjoy their replacement teeth sooner. However, the healing period is one of the most important parts of the procedure, providing your restorations with a life-like feel and look. Patients and professionals will agree that the overall process is well worth the wait. Read on to learn what happens during the longest phase of the dental implant procedure, the healing and osseointegration period.


The Road to Repairing Your Smile: The 4 Steps of a Dental Implant Consultation

September 18, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — bellroad @ 1:18 pm
Patient and dentist, dental implant

Who wouldn’t want a full, dazzling smile instead of one filled with gaps? That’s why getting dental implants can be a life-changing decision for so many patients; not only will your new teeth look natural, but they’ll keep your jawbone in shape and allow you to enjoy all of your favorite meals. However, before you can receive dental implants in North Phoenix, you’ll have to confirm you’re a good candidate for the procedure by scheduling a consultation. Here are 4 important things that will happen during this appointment.

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